Dev Central helps businesses develop their software products.
If you are a software developer dev Central lets you manage every step of your releases by dividing them into projects and tasks, and assigning team members and planning. You can monitor and adjust release dates by adjusting project and task planning.
Dev Central has features to register knowledge so important parts of the application, like online help and release notes, become automatically available. Also a knowledge base can be build over time: an easily searchable collection of knowledge and experience.
These tools are an important help in ensuring that:
software releases stay within budget,
Planned publishing dates are met,
Documentation is available at the moment the release is published,
Valuable experience is not lost, but remains available to team members and customers.
Dev Central features include:
Online help system
Knowledge base
Releases are the top hierarchical level in software development planning. It can contain a new software product, new software features, or an incident. Releases contain projects. The release's publishing date can be updated to reflect changes in planning of projects and tasks.

Online help system
When a release is published an online help system is created. You can enable employees and partners to consult information in the help system.
Help features consist of:
UI (form and tree) to maintain informative help texts
Html help files, stored in the file system
Hyperlinks to help files
In Dev Central F1 opens context sensitive (about the part of the application you're currently in) help information
A release notes file is automatically created when a release is published. It contains the features and improvements in the release.

The knowledgebase holds all the experience and knowledge that needs to be saved. Share this knowledge amongst employees or even with partners.
Items in the knowledgebase can be found be using versatile search options, featuring searching the contents of any field in the knowledge record, like name, description, or tags. Knowledgebase contents are shown in kanban view and can be grouped on any field for a better overview.

Dev Central was built on top of Odoo Project Management.
Odoo is a widely used platform for ERP applications that is built to be modular and scalable. Odoo consists of functional modules that are seamlessly integrated.
Odoo is open source. Many odoo modules are free, others are paid. Out of the box Dev central uses only free modules so there are no additional costs.
Thousands of Odoo modules are available. Depending on your needs you can install additional modules in your database.
Project Management is one of Odoo's core modules. It offers project planning of needs and resources, collaboration between stake holders, task analysis, and more, in a userfriendly visual interface.
Dev Central is available through the Odoo Apps Store. Go to "Dev Central" on Odoo apps store.
You can reach White Lupuna through our contact section. we appreciate your feedback.
Odoo terms and conditions apply to sales on the Odoo Apps Store. For your convenience you can find the Odoo terms of sale in our Documentation section.